Category Archives: Kelly

090530 – Kelly

Time = 38:28. This one hurt. Could really tell that my conditioning is still off. Knees also gave me trouble.

Shoulders are Healing

TitanFit WO

3 Rounds of Kelly (Rowing)

Time = 15:08

Rainy Day

TitanFit WO

“Kelly” – sub Row

5 Rounds of:

500m Row
25 Box Jumps (24″)
25 Wall Ball (20lbs.)

Time = 27:03

Yeah, I know. Typing that out I just realized that I only did 25 reps of the Box Jumps and Wall Ball, not the prescribed 30 reps. I thought I had a PR by four minutes, but I guess not.


TitanFit WO

“Kelly” – sub Row

5 Rounds of:

500m Row
30 Box Jumps (24″ Box)
30 Wall Ball (20lbs.)

Time = 31:15


Today was another benchmark workout. I had to sub rowing for running due to this wonderful mid-western weather.

TitanFit WO


5 Rounds of:

500m Row
30 – Box Jumps (24″ Box)
30 – Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs. Ball)

Time = 34:00