Category Archives: Skill Set

Skill Set & a MetCon

Firstly, we had a new gym-goer show up today! I hope that she chooses to do her training at TitanFit. If your reading Ann, remember that showing up is about 50% of the work. And it is amazing the results you can achieve with the Crossfit regimen. Alot of results are attainable with your dedication, persistence, and hard work. I hope to see you tomorrow.

Another good day on the diet, but I’m extremely tired. I need to focus on catching up on my sleep tonite, tomorrow, and beyond. The past week has been rather hectic for me and my sleep cycle has suffered tremendously. But sleep, for whatever reason, seems to be the easiest thing to “skimp” on. I’ll have the occasional cheat meal on the diet, or maybe even take two consecutive rest days from training at TitanFit. But the one thing that seems to impede my progress the most is insufficient rest, namely sleep. And for some reason I don’t focus as hard on getting enough sleep until I’m beyond the point of exhaustion.

I’m a light sleeper to begin with, and when I wake up it is VERY difficult for me to get back to sleep. I need to devote a little more time to a good night’s sleep this upcoming week. I have tried this in the past, and succeeded only in the short term. My goal beginning tonite and carrying throughout the next several weeks is to try and achieve at minimum 7 hours of sleep each night.

TitanFit WO

Skill transfer exercises for the snatch
3 sets:

  • 3 Overhead Squats
  • 3 Pressing Snatch Balances
  • 3 Heaving Snatch Balances
  • 3 Snatch Balances

Followed by:

3 rounds for time of –
500 m Row
15 Push-ups

And finally, I completed a few sets of Bench Press to close out the day.

Had a pretty good workout and for the second time IN MY LIFE the Push-ups were UNBROKEN! In addition, Herb read yesterday’s blog and actually got some pictures of my Push-ups.

The left pic is on the way down. The right pic is on the way up. Note the elbows relative to the torso.