Category Archives: Zone Diet

An Awesome Day @ TitanFit

This past week, for whatever reason, I’ve strayed from the diet a few times. Beginning with dinner tonite, I’m going to be serious about my diet again. I’ve got all the groceries that I need for a week of healthy Zoning.

Today was a great day for me at TitanFit. I set a new PR after doing my MetCon for the day. It was also nice to finally meet Mary.

TitanFit WO

5 Rounds of:

250m Row
10 – Bench Press (115 lbs.)
15 – Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs. Ball)

Time = 16:44

As always, the Bench Press is what slowed me down. By the third round I was able to get 5 or 6 reps, but thereafter it was only 2 or 3 reps at a time. But I’m still working on my Press exercises and making progress.

After the MetCon I worked on my Snatch. I had no plan to find my 1RM, it just kind of happened. I did several sets at 95 lbs. and 115 lbs., finally working up to my new PR of 135 lbs.

It felt good and had I not done the MetCon first I think I could have easily gotten more weight. One thing that I liked about performing it after the MetCon was that it makes you concentrate on your form. My arms were like jello after the BP and Wall-Ball shots. So I was really forced to use my jump and hip extension to elevate the bar and get beneath.

Time on the Zone

After 10 straight training days, today I rested. I’ll be back in the gym tomorrow!

I’ve been on the Zone Diet (not a diet, but a healthy eating plan in my opinion) for about 6 weeks now. The most prominent change with this diet, as compared to the way I used to eat, is that it takes planning, forethought, and time.

Most of the reviews that I have read regarding this diet give negative opinions with respect to the time that is required of it. So I would like to share my thoughts on this issue.

To me the time required, along with the planning and forethought, is justified with the results that I’ve already achieved. Each week I spend time planning what I will eat the following week and each evening I spend time preparing my meals and snacks for the next day. This time is well worth my effort.

I believe some of the negative reviews of the diet stem from the American way of life. We have been a fast-paced nation for a long time. (Ironically, I often hear people say they need to rush around to get things done so they can have more “free time” or watch their favorite TV show). To make matters worse, corporate America has exploited this fast-paced lifestyle.

There is one common trait, however, that all living beings on this planet share. Regardless of your socio-economic status, race, gender, etc., we all have the same amount of time in any given day.

I am glad that I have chosen to invest some of my time each day to the Zone Diet. By doing that, I’m investing in the well-being and health of my body.